Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Business Ideas for Entrepreneurs | Pro-Planet and Profit
As an aspiring entrepreneur, you want to do more than simply earn a paycheck. You want to make a difference in your world so that it is a better place for the long haul. Starting an environmentally-friendly business is a great way to do just that. And given that environmental stewardship is hotter than ever, business opportunities abound at every turn. Empower Palette shares the following tips.
Why Go Environmentally Friendly?
Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you already know that sustainability is a hot topic. Adults today are more environmentally aware than our parents and grandparents, thanks to easier access to information and scientific evidence to support the benefits of living a green lifestyle. For small business owners, this means plenty of marketing opportunities.
Being environmentally-friendly can also save you money. CNBC explains that being eco-friendly means being able to capitalize on incentives and rebates, but it also reduces your company’s carbon footprint. If you are looking to get into entrepreneurship yourself, it is not simply enough to be Earth-friendly. To truly have an impact, your business must contribute positively to your — and your customers’ — sustainability goals.
Getting Started
If you’re ready to start your business, congratulations! It is an exciting time and will soon put you in a position to have a quantifiable impact on your community. But there’s lots of leg work to do before you put on your cape and get ready to save the planet.
USAGov notes that acquiring funding is one of your first hurdles. If you’ve already got financial assistance under wraps, your next step is to understand the tax requirements involved in launching a new business. You’ll also need to get business insurance and make sure that you have a business license. Depending on your industry, you may also be required to obtain special licenses and permits.
Next, decide on a business structure. If you’re just starting out, look into how to get an LLC. An LLC, which stands for Limited Liability Company, can reduce your personal liabilities if something goes south with your business. For example, in the unfortunate event that a product injures a consumer, the injured party cannot go after your home or other personal assets in a legal battle.
Another smart step toward establishing your business is knowing the types of talent you wish to attract. As an eco-friendly business, you likely want employees that share your ideologies. To find the best talent partners, focus on ways you can help your future employees engage in their passion for the planet. Your sustainable products, services, and practices may even attract employees that are willing to work for a smaller salary for the opportunity to have an impact.
Save The Planet, Make a Profit
If you have yet to come up with a business idea, don’t fret. The Biden Administration has pledged to protect America’s resources and assets by promoting clean energy and other environmentally-friendly sectors. This means you do not have to look far for ways to turn a profit while ensuring the future of the planet for your children and grandchildren. Here are a few businesses you might consider:
Investing. There are plenty of people that make a full-time job of investing in green energy. Global energy consumption is expected to grow by around 50% in the next 30 years. But this doesn’t necessarily mean mining for coal and oil. You can invest in stocks that promote the production of biogas, solar energy, or thermal energy.
Retail. Selling environmentally-friendly products in a retail business is a smart move for many reasons. Not only do you promote the local economy and showcase regional artisans, but you can also pull products from a global marketplace, which can have a far-reaching impact. Buying and selling locally also helps you reduce your carbon footprint by reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with the acquisition and transport of goods.
Farm to table food. Farm-to-table is not a new concept, but it is one that’s gaining popularity. More and more, people want to know where, exactly, their food comes from and who made it. A farm-to-table restaurant or catering service is a great option for those who like to cook and don’t mind visiting local farms and farmers markets and changing up their menu based on what’s in season.
Landscaping. Everybody wants a beautiful yard, but not everyone wants to do the back-breaking work involved in creating the perfect outdoor space. Starting a landscaping business with a focus on eco-friendly design is a smart move if you already have a background in gardening or landscaping. In this position, you and your crew can help homeowners choose native plants, hardscape features, and drought-resistant foliage to reduce watering in the summer. As a landscaping company owner, you can choose to pay yourself a salary that you can live off of while also providing full-time and seasonal employment.
Handmade goods. Whether you want to recycle empty plastic bottles or make art out of discarded pallets, there’s almost always a market for art and other goods made from repurposed materials. You can sell at fairs, online, or from artisan markets around your hometown.
There are so many reasons — and ways — to go into business as an environmentally-conscious entrepreneur. And there has never been a better time than now to get started. But before you do, handle the practical aspects and do your research. It may not always be easy, but working toward a better tomorrow today is one of the best things you can do for yourself, the Earth, and future generations.
The hardest part is getting started. When will you take the leap?
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